Frequently Asked Questions

Don't want to call or email? Find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

  • What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

    Order securely online with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal or EBT card.

  • What Are Your Shipping Methods?

    Free shipping on all orders over $249!

    Orders are shipped on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday serving the Northeastern region.

    All of our products are shipped fresh via FedEx 2-Day.

    Our line of butter products can be shipped via ground.

    Delivery times for each FedEx service vary by area. You can track FedEx's estimated delivery timeframes at

  • How Will My Order Be Packed?

    Our meat is shipped vacuum-sealed fresh. It is also flash frozen to guarantee freshness and quality in every bite! Our products are packed to withstand days of unrefrigerated shipping.

  • Is My Order Guaranteed?

    Yes, all orders are backed by our rock solid satisfaction guarantee!

  • Why Can't I Add 2 Subscriptions To My Shopping Cart?

    It is not possible to sign up for multiple product subscriptions in a single transaction. If you wish to subscribe to multiple products, you will need to complete a separate order for each subscription. Thank you for your understanding.